“Wonka,” a new musical fantasy movie by Warner Bros production is in theaters. The movie is directed by Paul King and has a rating of 7.3/10 and 91% rating from Rotten Tomatoes. “Wonka” is rated PG and can be enjoyed by the whole family. Willy Wonka, the main character, is played by the American-French actor Timothee Chalamet. Viewers described Willy Wonka in the movie as eccentric, innovative, loyal, and determined.
The movie initially is about Willy Wonka moving to the town his mother always said they would go to. Willy Wonka becomes excited and inspired to sell the amazing chocolates he handmade. He persuades the townspeople using his projective voice to describe the wonders of his chocolates, but the local chocolate company owners overhear Willy Wonka and aren’t convinced. The company owners angrily approach Willy Wonka and tell him that there is no way his chocolates are as he describes. So when given a chocolate, the taste is exquisite, but there’s a twist to his chocolates that the company owners are yet to find out: they suddenly begin to float. This makes them angry as they levitate higher and higher out of control, but this doesn’t discourage the townspeople. It interests them. Every person is curious and willing to try the chocolates. Within seconds the whole town is floating.
“Wonka” is a prequel to Gene Wilder’s “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory” 1971 film and the original children’s book written by Roald Dahl. There are intentional connections and references to the original. For instance, they reprised some of the music, thematic elements, and visual design of the Oompa Loompas.
The visuals in this movie are beautiful. The amount of color and liveliness of Wonka makes the movie just that much better. It brings excitement or even more than the others did. There’s a part of the movie where it shows a whole forest-like display fully made of candies of all sorts.
Not only does “Wonka” bring color, but the movie also comes with a fun, catchy soundtrack. There are 11 songs sung that truly bring life to the movie. Songs range from 1:05 to 4:27 seconds. Right now, the most liked song is “Scrub Scrub,” one of their longer ones with several actors involved.
Overall, I wasn’t sure what the movie would be like. I envisioned it either being a hit or miss. But I would say the movie was definitely a hit, and I would watch it again. But also the majority of people did enjoy the movie so I’m not surprised. But also it’s a great movie to watch with the family. Wonka made me leave the theaters happy and excited.