Pringles are a classic chip brand, but recently the company has been producing a concerning number of non-traditional flavors. We did a taste test of the 11 weirdest Pringles flavors we could find and wrote down our thoughts. The flavors are listed in the same order we tried them.
This is the most common Pringles flavor that we tried. It is a slightly older flavor, though still not as classic as the original flavors like Sour Cream and Onion or Barbeque Pringles. The Pizza Pringles had a very subtle taste that was a surprisingly accurate imitation of pepperoni pizza. We concluded that this flavor is worth purchasing at a rating of 3/5 stars.
Elote (Mexican Street Corn)
We weren’t quite sure what to expect from this flavor and ultimately, it was disappointing. The Elote flavor was very bland with undertones of sour flavors like lime, vinegar, and salt. If this is the taste you are going for, we recommend just buying lime-flavored tortilla chips, which are much more flavorful than these. We decided on a rating of 2/5 stars for this flavor.
Everything Bagel
We concluded that the Everything Bagel flavor was one of the worst flavors tried. The chip itself smelled like Top Ramen seasoning. When we tasted it, however, the chip tasted similar to wet cardboard. People who have had everything bagels, or everything bagel seasoning said that it “tastes nothing like everything bagels.” Others described it as tasting like pretzels. We rated this chip 0/5 stars because of the bland, unappealing taste.
All Dressed (With Tomato, Onion, and Vinegar Flavors)
As the fourth chip on this list, the All Dressed Pringles made a top three finish in our overall ranking. We had mixed feelings about this one, however the majority of the people who tried it said that this one was really good. The All Dressed Pringles did not have a very strong taste despite their strong vinegary smell and they reminded most of the people of a very mellow version of salt and vinegar chips. The tomato flavoring in them was really noticeable which some people liked and others were unsure about. Overall, however, we gave these chips a rating of 3.5/5 stars.
Philly Cheesesteak
The Philly Cheesesteak flavor had a lot of potential because if you think about it, it sounds like a more normal chip flavor than many of the other ones we tried. However, once we tried these, we decided that our excitement had been severely misplaced. They were absolutely terrible, tasting like rotten fish, bad pickles, or a rotting philly cheesesteak hot pocket that had been left out for an entire day (don’t ask why Jarrett knows what that tastes like). This flavor was so unbearable that it was impossible to finish a single chip. Our overall rating of the Philly Cheesesteak Pringles was 0/5 stars.
Chili Cheese Fries
After trying the Philly Cheesesteak Pringles, we were honestly really scared to try the other flavors, especially the Chili Cheese Fries Pringles, because we were afraid that they would taste similar. After trying them we concluded that they were definitely not as bad, but also not our favorite. Overall, this flavor was not as spicy as we had been expecting and, weirdly, tasted like Fritos. Many of the people who tried the Pringles flavors decided that, so far, these were the best ones. Our rating, however, was 2/5 because of the oddly overpowering rotten cheesy taste.
Honey Mustard
This flavor was very mellow and satisfying. You could really taste the honey mustard, which had a taste similar to McDonald’s honey mustard sauce or to Dots honey mustard pretzels. It had a sweet undertone and the honey mustard flavor was not too overpowering. Though Alyssa hates mustard, she did say that these were pretty good. In the end we ranked this 4.5/5 and it was our second favorite Pringle. Jarrett bought a container for himself later the next day.
Carnitas Taco
The Carnitas Taco flavor surprised us by genuinely tasting like a beef taco. The taco flavor was so realistic it was almost scary. We could taste the lime, taco meat, and even the taco seasoning. It also tasted like the seasoning packets that come with Top Ramen. If you love tacos, these chips are definitely for you. Overall, we would recommend these chips at 3/5 stars.
Hot Honey
The Hot Honey Pringles were by far our favorite of the 11 flavors that we tried. They had a very very subtle heat to them that was secondary to the mild sweetness of the honey. They really tasted how a sweet chip should: not too overpowering and not too weird. We liked these ones so much that we gave them a 5/5 star rating and Jarrett, once again, went out and bought some for himself.
Enchilada Adobada
As the second to last Pringles flavor we tried, we were hoping that maybe this would be one of the few good ones. We were very disappointed. The Enchilada Adobada Pringles were not our favorite by a long shot. They were not spicy but they also did not have a lot of flavor. There was, however, an overpowering lime taste that gave the chips a frightening similarity to off-brand Takis. Overall, we would give this flavor 1/5 stars and would recommend that if this is the taste you are looking for, go out and buy a bag of Takis instead.
Las Meras Meras Habaneras
Ewww!!! This flavor was the absolute worst flavor that we tried and we would not recommend it to anyone, even people who love spicy things. We expected there to be a lot of spice, but instead what we tasted was the nasty sourness of throwing up. You could definitely taste the pepper, but instead of being spicy it was very bland but left our mouths tingling for up to a half an hour after. No one who tried it liked it due to both the horrible smell and the awful taste. 0/5 stars, we DO NOT RECOMMEND!!
Overall, the best Pringles that we tried were Hot Honey 5/5, Honey Mustard 4.5/5, All Dressed 3.5/5 and Pizza 3/5. In the aftermath of testing out the Pringles, as we said before, Jarrett went out and bought his favorites for himself. Alyssa, however, can no longer eat Pringles, as they are extremely unappealing after trying the monstrosity of these flavors.