Today, Vallivue’s Marching Band and Colorguard are traveling to Kennewick, Wash. to compete in the Cavalcade Festival of Bands, their first competition of the year.
Band Director Mr. Adamson explained that this trip happens every year. The band fundraises for trips like this every year to cover the cost of things such as busing and competition fees. He said that going out of state to watch people from higher levels will help students get a better understanding of what they are supposed to do.
The show this year is called “Break Out.” VHS will perform at 3:30 pm (PT) at Kennewick High School on Saturday, Oct. 7.
After this competition, the band will compete at the Treasure Valley Festival of Bands on October 14 at Ridgevue High School, and the last competition will be the D3 Festival on October 21 at Boise State. D3 is considered the major competition of the marching band season.